The . These conflict engagements have drastically . , proliferation of small arms and weapons competition for gold mines and dispute over farm land account for causes of rural banditry in the study area, resulting to economic, social and physical decline in livelihood of the crop producers. responsible for armed banditry in the state as a result of unemployment, Poverty, Injustice by traditional fathers, Drug abuse, Vulnerability, Disperse settlement, Huge financial benefits,. Remote causes of banditry 2021-07-31 - Maryam Hamza, Ph.D Maryam Hamza, Ph.D Dept of History and War Studies Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna . When relations do sour and turn violent, it's usually due to . During the past years, the . Now politics, democracy from 1999 came in with its own problems. "The federal government has ordered the suspension of all mining activities in Zamfara State with immediate effect," said presidential aide Bashir Ahmed in a tweet. Before the occurrence of rural banditry in Zamfara state, . International Journal of Innovative Research and Development ,6(12): Of the number, 101,327 children where certified cured. 'Blood-Thirsty Demons of Zamfara' is a four-part series that chronicles the pains, losses and sufferings of families being crushed by the ongoing banditry in the state. Katsina and Kaduna States have laws requiring licenses for preachers, places of worship, and religious schools. Also, the kidnap of traditional rulers, school children, political figures, businessmen and women, expatriates, among others are the major causes of kidnapping in Nigeria. By The Nation On Nov 15, 2020. The report found several causes as responsible for the Zamfara banditry. Nigeria has suspended mining in the restive northwestern state of Zamfara, a presidential aide and the police chief said on Sunday, amid concerns that illegal miners were connected to a surge in banditry. The governor of Zamfara, Bello Matawalle, on Tuesday, July 9, inaugurated what he described as a high-powered committee with the responsibility of finding lasting solutions to the menace of insecurity in the state. "Banditry is a failure of the state to fulfill its primary purpose of providing security," Chidi Odinkalu, of the Open Society Justice Initiative, told IRIN. Wild northwest The Kankara raid was out of the ordinary only because of its scale and audaciousness. It has also accounted for environmental changes, degradation of agricultural soil, erosion of the genetic base of agricultural biodiversity, water scarcity, poor governance, growing demand and changes in consumption patterns, uncontrolled deforestation, export-oriented agricultural development policies and political malfunctions (Anka, 2017). basic cause of most of the intractable conflict was the underlying need of people to meet their needs, which The Zamfara State Government has disclosed that the killing of a prominent Fulani leader in 2013 was the Genesis of the crisis bedevilling the state which has led to the loss of lives and property in the state. But there are certain features or issues that our leaders didn't take care of earlier since around 1999. [6] The harrowing abduction of 276 schoolgirls in Chibok by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram in 2014 shocked the world. The Zamfara State Government has disclosed that the killing of a prominent Fulani leader in 2013 was the Genesis of the crisis bedevilling the state which has led to the loss of lives and property in the state. Banjo Damilola travelled to. Zamfara Gusau Attacks 21 122 0 48 74 72 0 Zamfara Bungudu Attacks 42 385 42 143 242 200 0 Zamfara . Zamfara State. In this interview, the don, who specializes in Social History with specific reference to legal history traced the root causes of insecurity in Nigeria with particular reference to armed banditry. A one-time Personal Assistant to former Governor of Zamfara State, Ahmed Sani Yarima, and a staff of the National Assembly, Abdurrahman Mohammed Tunbido, has said the lawmakers . ZAMFARA: HQ. Festus Keyamo, the Minister of State for Labour and Employment has disclosed one of the major causes of banditry, terrorism, and corruption in Nigeria. [3] Recently, in the Northwest area of Nigeria particularly in Zamfara, Sokoto, Katsina, Niger, Kaduna and Kebbi States, the activities of Bandits have been particularly worrisome. Banditry in Zamfara state began about 2009 and became more prevalent in 2011, particularly after the general elections (Anka,2017). For instance, while presenting his committee's report, DIG Abubakar (retd), disclosed that 4,983 women were widowed, 25,050 children orphaned and 190,340 persons displaced by banditry in Zamfara . Five villages including Mallamawa, Barka da Yabo, Tungar Kahau, Maikamar rimi and Gidan Anna in Shinkafi Local Government Area were attacked in broad daylight. Now politics, democracy from 1999 came in with its own problems. It has been a common genre of crime, as well as cause violence in contemporary societies (Nigeria Watch, 2011). By 2011, the problem had escalated and was characterised by . December 20, 2021. State and Federal governments, more especially, since the latter controls the state security apparatuses. "Yari should go back to Zamfara and do his job and govern his people." The state government spokesman, Dosara, insisted that Yari is "fully engaged" with the affairs of the state. These conflict engagements have drastically . Excerpts: , proliferation of small arms and weapons competition for gold mines and dispute over farm land account for causes of rural banditry in the study area, resulting to economic, social and physical decline in livelihood of the crop producers. At the heart of the rot of banditry in Nigeria's northwest is lawlessness in Zamfara State, where the governor, Bello Matawalle, has staked his political future on bringing it to an end. A history of banditry in Zamfara and Kaduna. August 2011: Armed robbers went from house to house in search of members of the vigilante groups in some villages under Dansadau Emirate, Maru LGA of . The bandits terrorize the villages with impunity. The governor made this known while receiving three repentant . Emerging Issues in Zamfara Armed Banditry and Cattle Rustling: Collapse of the Peace Deal and Resurgence of Fresh Violence. It has led to loss of lives, human injury, population displacements, as well as loss of cattle in their numbers. Senator Saidu Dansadau yesterday described the military operations in Zamfara State as successful, saying the people of the state are solidly behind it. Government reserved were evaded, encroachment of paths, unemployment and lot more. Some of the . The Yan Sakai, on the other hand, have been indiscriminate in their retaliation assaults, focusing mainly on repelling the attacks of Fulani herdsmen. Much has been said about the remote and immediate causes of banditry, so I won't dwell on that. 10 May 2022. PMB-1001 Abstract: Cattle rustling and banditry has been a veritable threat to public safety and security in north-west-Nigeria. banditry and cattle rustling in the most northwestern part of Nigeria most especially Katsina, Kaduna and Zamfara State. Keyamo . December 27, 2021. of Bandits and Blood Gold: Chronic bad governance and corruption are the twin causes of banditry in the state.The situation will worsen as 2023 gets closer and selfish politicians are busy fighting for offices. Unapproved and unregulated mining of minerals turned the state into an epicentre of violence and crime. The so-called banditry in the northwest region arose out of similar social circumstances. Seun Opejobi. They actually established themselves in the state of the zamfara, creating fortified enclaves in the hinterland and borders, from where they take and carry out their operations. Mon May 24 2021. Between March 2020-June 2021, over 1,400 students and staff have been kidnapped in several school abductions reported in northwest Nigeria. His Excellency, the Zamfara State Executive Governor Hon. For communities in Zamfara State that host huge, largely unexplored deposits of gold and other minerals, the absence of a structured system of governance for mineral exploitation in these communities and unregulated exploration have combined to engender high levels of insecurity, including banditry, armed robbery, cattle rustling and kidnapping . 2 (2021) The Causes ond Consequences of Armed Banditry, Kidnapping and Cattle Rustling in some selected Communities in Zamfara State Research Article Published December 1, 2021 Mustapha Abubakar + Abstract Other conflicts that Zamfara report on banditry: Two ex-Govs indicted, another for trial, 15 Emirs to be removed . While many connect the incidents of kidnapping in Zamfara to the transformation in the banditry, many are of the opinion that, the state conflict transformed to human kidnapping hence majority of the Fulani herders has deserted the state with their herds of cattle to some safety places. This mirrors exactly what happened . . Illegal mining is prominent in Niger, Kebbi, Katsina and Zamfara states, has triggered violent conflict over the control of minefields, and has led to the deaths of thousands of people. The jury is out on whether he will succeed. But there are certain features or issues that our leaders didn't take care of earlier since around 1999. Zamfara State Banditry . "Yari should go back to Zamfara and do his job and govern his people." The state government spokesman, Dosara, insisted that Yari is "fully engaged" with the affairs of the state. Data were chiefly drawn through survey, where in-depth interviews were conducted with the selected border community leaders, police officers and victims of banditry. The Zamfara State Governor, Bello Mohammed has assured of his administration's commitment to bring lasting peace in the state. Northwest region of Nigeria, particularly, Zamfara, Katsina, Kaduna, Sokoto and Niger States, . Combating Banditry in Northwest Nigeria. The social-economic development provides fertile ground for conflict and criminal violence, said the report. Thousands of children are orphaned due to the ongoing banditry in Zamfara State. by | Jun 3, 2022 | st john fisher soccer roster | | Jun 3, 2022 | st john fisher soccer roster | By. Before the occurrence of rural banditry in Zamfara state, . . The Commissioner for Information, Zamfara State, Hon Ibrahim Magaji Dosara on Friday, disclosed this in Kaduna while Keyamo disclosed that unemployment is a remote cause of insecurity in Nigeria. recommendations of the committee that wrote the report has been issued two years after the report was submitted to Zamfara State government. solution to banditry in nigeria pdf. . Bandits By Ibrahim HassanWuyo. The number of children kidnapped, as well as the ease with which Boko Haram carried out its attack, was striking and sparked international . He threatened to expose them. The impacts of banditry on local populations have been devastating. It also revealed that conversely cattle rustling and banditry contributed to the farmers-herdsmen conflict in the local government area of Zamfara State. . Although sometimes exaggerated or underestimated by some political actors, casualty figures are quite alarming. Dr. Bello Mohammed Matawalle MON (Shattiman Sakkwato) has described degradation of moral standards and a culture of greed fed by an unfettered need for material wealth in the northern parts of the country in particular and the nation in general to the detriment of the masses as the root cause and the reason why armed banditry has . Dr. Tukur Muhammad Mukhtar is of the Department of History, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto. Any sort of violence that causes insecurity in rural areas where the bulk of the population is . "Banditry is a failure of the state to fulfill its primary purpose of providing security," Chidi Odinkalu, of the Open Society Justice Initiative, told IRIN. The study examines the causes and effects of banditry in north western Nigeria with particular emphasisto Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara and Katsina state. Furthermore, we cannot talk about banditry without Zamfara state, as it has always been a hotbed of such criminal activities for years. Twenty years after Zamfara adopted the Shari'a as state law and amputated the hands of its first convicts for theft . By Davies Ngere Ify On Dec 20, 2021. States like Niger, Kaduna, Katsina, Sokoto, Borno, and Zamfara have all suffered from banditry and terrorism. Insecurity has continued to plague Nigeria, with the Northern part of the country experiencing more activities of banditry. This has been an everyday occurrence in Zamfara state for the last five years and it is getting worse by the day. These children are left on the street, without parental guidance and care. These abductions took place in Kankara and Mahuta (Katsina state), Kagara and Tegina (Niger state), Jangebe and Maradun (Zamfara state), Mando, Afaka, and Kasarami (Kaduna state), and Birnin Yauri (Kebbi . . Banditry is a crime against persons. Banditry and other causes of insecurity in northern Nigeria have been allowed to degenerate into a complex national emergency with dire territorial implications. Killings by bandits in Zamfara State has claimed the lives of 11,000 adult males that were bread-winners of their families, leaving behind an estimated conservative . Halilu (pictured) commands hundreds of fighters in Sububu forest, Zamfara State Then the military government came in with a lot of interest. Rural banditry in the north-western states of Zamfara, Kaduna and Katsina reached alarming heights in recent years. Demographics:- Zamfara State is mainly populated by Hausa and Fulani people, with some . On Friday November 17, 2017 suspected armed bandits attacked villages northern in Zamfara State, killing 23 people and burning down houses and grain silos. However, I can say without any fear of contradiction that the main cause of the lingering crisis in today's Zamfara is largely dirty and petty politics by so-called political stalwarts who understand only their selfish interests, leaving no . (2019) have advanced several factors for the cause and prevalence of banditry in Nigeria. Banditry means occurrence or prevalence of armed robbery or violent crime. The remote causes include institutional failure and blatant betrayal of trust by unscrupulous political leaders, traditional rulers, security officers and judicial officers; poverty, unemployment, indolence and frustration that led many youths to drug abuse and involvement . A group of elder statesmen in Zamfara State has raised alarm alleging the indiscriminate release of arrested bandits and their collaborators by the authorities in . groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways). Zamfara: From puritan trove to bandits' den. The conflict that has started since 2011 created a serious problem between Fulani herders, farmers and rest of the communities in Zamfara State, this enmity has been one of the pushing factors that influenced the existence of rural banditry which extends to . He, however, noted that the Federal Government was working to address the . The Zamfara State Government panel set up to investigate activities of bandits in the state has submitted its report, with two former governors indicted of the culpability in the crime.Also indicted are 10 military officers and 15 emirs in the state.The report confirmed that 6,319 persons were arbitrarily and wilfully killed; 3,672 kidnapped; N2, 805,049,748 [] The Commissioner for Information, Zamfara State, Hon Ibrahim Magaji Dosara on Friday, disclosed this in Kaduna while Moreover, the study has revealed the causes of its crisis and armed banditry in the state. Zamfara became one of the most hit by the criminal activities of cattle rustlers, and now banditry. By Abubakar Auwal. In the North West alone, the activities of bandits directly affect roughly 21 million people living in Zamfara, Kaduna, Sokoto, Kebbi and Katsina. Zamfara State seems to be the epicenter of rural banditry in Nigeria. The doctor added that the northern part of the country, including Zamfara, is one of the places bedevilled with malnutrition., Some of the factors causing the present increase in cases to include poverty and armed banditry, which fuels food insecurity and turns hundreds of children into orphans. The attack came just three days after bandits killed 32 vigilance group members at a checkpoint set up by locals. According to him, "The Genesis of this conflict began with the killing of the most popular and highly respected Fulani leader in all the neighbouring states of Zamfara, Sokoto, and Kebbi, one. Accordingly, during the civilian reign, local bandits were reportedly stealing domestic animals. In Katsina State, the law establishes a board with the authority to regulate Islamic schools, preachers, and mosques, including by issuing permits, suspending operations, and imprisoning or fining violators. But there was no common cause to these attacks and that most farmers and herdsmen coexist peacefully. According to a 2019 report by the Zamfara State government, between 2011 and 2019, bandits killed at least 6,319 people, kidnapped . In Zamfara and parts of neighboring Katsina state in the Northwest, rampaging gangs of armed bandits have engaged in violent acts, attacking, abducting, killing, and robbing villagers and travelers, and engaging in cattle rustling. The state governor has ordered total ban on fuel in kegs but it appears the ban hasn't been effective because Zamfara people in many areas are said to be scared of the bandits. The study examines the causes and effects of banditry in north western Nigeria with particular emphasisto Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara and Katsina state. 2 min read. Again recently, it was reported that for the 2019 Unity Schools applications, of the 75,000 children that applied to sit for the Common Entrance examination, 25,000 applied from Lagos State, while . According to experts, the root cause of these is because Nigeria is under-policed, forcing the farmers to turn to vigilantes known as Yan Sakai for protection. In the late 1960s, there was the Nigerian civil war. In Zamfara State, currently, banditry has been a social problem which has, still continued to be haunting the many communities in the state un-abated. In early April 2015, over 120 people were massacred in Yar Galadima village, Zamfara State, by bandits who have, for at least the last ten years, been terrorizing rural communities, as well as highway commuters . In fact, Zamfara State was the epicenter of Nigerian banditry, with most of the bandits' commanders based there. The Causes ond Consequences of Armed Banditry, Kidnapping and Cattle Rustling in some selected Communities in Zamfara State Vol. Posted By Claire Brenner on Mar 19, 2021. The findings of the study revealed that farmers-herdsmen conflict precipitates the acts of cattle rustling and banditry. 12 No. Recent spike of violence across the region is directly related to the military operation in the state which gave . State LGA Cause of Incident Number of Affected Households Number of Affected . It involves the use of force, or threat to that effect, to intimidate a person with the intent to rob rape or kill. Dansadau, who represented Zamfara Central Senatorial District between 1999 and 2007, said; "I left Zamfara on Saturday, honestly speaking, the ongoing operation is successful because a lot of . Governor Matawalle of Zamfara State- the most affected by violence and kidnappings of all the states in the country- last week said he had intelligence report that some highly influential people are behind the banditry, saying these sets of people provide the sophisticated arms being used by the bandits. Table 2 shows the Issues (Sources/causes) that Led to Rural banditry in Zamfara State. They led to the loss of 139 lives, with scores of people injured. They have become a humanitarian crisis . The activities of these bandits' ranges from kidnapping to murder . The report found several causes as responsible for the Zamfara banditry. The remote causes include . Data from the Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) programme under the Ministry of Health in Zamfara State indicates that in less than four years January 2016 to September 2019, 132,811 children in the state were admitted for cases of acute malnutrition. 'Blood-Thirsty Demons of Zamfara' is a four-part series that chronicles the pains, losses and sufferings of families being crushed by the ongoing banditry in the state. The study recommends the needs of federal and state . Halilu (pictured) commands hundreds of fighters in Sububu forest, Zamfara State Then the military government came in with a lot of interest. Kidnapping which is mostly common in the southern parts of the country is now very popular in the Northern parts of the country due to different dimension of armed conflicts such as ethno-religious conflicts, farmers-herders conflict, Boko Haram insurgency among others. The state is characterised by poverty and infrastructure deficit, 22 years after its creation. Most terrorist organisations, including Boko Haram, use the sacred texts as justification of their actions. Data were chiefly drawn through survey, where in-depth interviews were conducted with the selected border community leaders, police officers and victims of banditry. The origin and cause of Banditry in Zamfara State Nigeria - by Dr Murtala Rufa'i - Bello Matawalle also wants the committee to investigate issues of banditry in all parts of the state - A former Inspector . Another cause of banditry in Nigeria is the illegal mining activities in the North West region of the country. {1}. Several people have been killed and kidnapped by those behind terrorism in the Northern part of the country. "As of 2019, each northwestern state has a higher rate of poverty than the national . Before the civil war, there was the 1966 violent military coup with its attendant crisis and upheavals that led to another counter-coup. Festus Keyamo, the Minister of State for Labour and Employment has disclosed one of the major causes of banditry, terrorism, and corruption in Nigeria.

causes of banditry in zamfara state