5. There is little or no anointing in the place of ministry due to uncleansed ground, building or organizations. ). Topics: Deliverance, Blood of Christ, Jesus is the Lamb of God, Communion If there are three dates, the first date is the date of the original Already a member? DON'T STOP HERE! For Christians, through the shed blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, we have deliverance from our sins. Wednesday: Restoration Service 9AM to 12PM. There are occult powers in place whose control has not been broken either in the counsellee or in those with whom there is a close linking. If we have failed, then each time it has been due to the fact that we have not let the Lord give us the victory. There is unconfessed sin which the counsellee is wanting to keep hidden. YOU MUST CONTINUE IN THE FAITH! At a point in His teaching, Jesus told His audience that if they CONTINUED in His word, then they would become His true disciples John 8:31. AVOID INDECENT DRESSING! Updated on Jan 15, 2014. They encounter the jetsam of urban life floating along the most accessible parts of the river, and even its most primitive parts will soon be conquered by a dam. There is hidden or unrecognized abuse, or emotional damage that still needs healing. Sometimes that deliverance is God simply walking through the trials by our side, comforting and encouraging us through them as He uses them to mature us in the faith. Paul assured the Corinthian believers that no temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. They always execute God's Will (Psa. The counsellee is in disobedience over something God has already told them to do which they are not agreeing to. 23. Tuesdays: Bible Study 5PM to 7PM. Testimony and Praise Reports. a demon, have a demon, demon possessed, the Devil, your father the Devil, murderer (the Devil), liar and father of lies (the Devil), thief (the Devil), wolf (the Devil), the evil one, ruler of this world, Antichrists (spirit of Antichrist), the deceiver, of the Devil, children of the Devil, of the evil one, overcome them (the evil one), the Devil sinned from the beginning, works of the Devil, he who is in the world, spirit of error, idols, the darkness, destroy the work of the Devil, the spirits, every spirit, false prophets, and whole world lies in power of evil one. topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics.". BE WATCHFUL ABOUT THE FRIENDS YOU ASSOCIATE WITH! Christians acquire demons ancestrally as a result of the iniquity of the former generations and/or trough one's own personal iniquity. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. Deliverance is a theological term, salvation of the isolated sinner through humble acceptance of divine grace. Deliverance from withcraft spells, witchcraft prayers, curses. Like I used to tell you, strange problems requires strange . This is victory indeed! And, in Lewis's eventual reintegration into the human community, it is a deliverance precisely from self-control, from the bleak tyranny of the autonomous self. 6. Was he filled with self-pity and overwhelmed with discouragement and a sense of defeat? But Pauls dying confidence should be the confidence of every living Christian. Another word for deliverance is palat, which means to escape, save, deliver, slip away. This is a great error and teaching from satanic kingdom! 5. What begins as a pleasant weekend outing for four middle-class and middle-aged men soon forces each to confront fundamental issues about a life he had been taking for granted. Deliverance from anger, anxiety, anguish, bad attitudes, immature behavior. If you try Your best to introduce Christ to them and they continue to resist, leave them alone, but continue to pray for them until God will touch them. C R U C I A L TEACHING FOR ALL DELIVERANCE SEEKERS IN THE END TIME HOW TO MAINTAIN YOUR DELIVERANCE! How to keep alters from hurting us. That is to say, even if it remains just one week for you to leave this world, and you backslid, you will not be saved! That is why prophet Isaiah said, If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land Isa 1:19. topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. Backsliding brings back evil conditions that you were experiencing before. Problem alters and solutions. Yes, He has, and our verse tells us this. They assist and protect believers (Heb. 8. 20.If they don't stay snuggled up to The Lord and keep their life clean, they will be in worse shape than in the beginning. Deliverance is a variation on, and an ambivalent response to, the pastoral myth, a persistent belief in the elemental purity of a life lived in harmony with nature and a Romantic rejection of the city as necessarily corrupt. The first night an owl lands on his tent, Ed reaches up and touches its talon. For instance, for you to be saved and qualified to enter heaven on the last day, you MUST continue in the faith unto the end! Beloved, do you know that it is one thing to be delivered from evil conditions while it is quiet another thing to keep or continue to maintain your deliverance? Questions. 1. Survivalists, like Lewis and like many contemporaries who saw nuclear holocaust as inevitable, insisted on the need to be prepared to turn to a simpler, more self-reliant way of life than that to which a technological mass society was accustomed. "Deliverance - Social Concerns / Themes" Beacham's Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction Before what happened to Job came upon him, he saw it in the dream but he did not address it. These things do not glorify Him. Self Inner-Healing. Characteristics and effects of disassociation. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link: admin@evangelistjoshua.com, or through this Email: dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com, Copyright (2020) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. To associate your repository with the Do you know that true Holiness of life is an antidote to demonic possession? "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ", PAULS SECOND LETTER TO TIMOTHY by Francis Dixon Scripture Portion: Romans 6:1-18. 9 Nov. 2022 . VARIOUS DELIVERANCE TOPICS hedge of God,. The narrator describes him as "one of the strongest men I had ever shaken hands with," and repeatedly points out the trials of physical endurance with which he challenges himself. Ed. Going with Deliverance around the world - Travelling School of Deliverance Deliverance is a WALK, not an Event! Core Personality: . It is not a partial victory. Lucifer - Day Star - Satan - Adversary - Accuser, demons, demonic influence/attack, demonization, power demon, demon networks, ancestral demon carrying a person's formal name, ancestral demon carrying another relative's name or work such as Rage, Lust, Bitterness, Greed, Jealousy, etc., life-style demon, demons masquerading as personalities, demon-produced personality, Demon Satan - Demon Lucifer - Demon Destroyer - Demon Jesus -Demon Heavenly Father, etc., demon of false tongue, and demon of clairvoyance, sorcery or special knowledge. His physical strength, as Lewis himself explains it, is just a tool to prepare him for a time he foresees in the near future when society will collapse, when people who rely on their social skills and positions will find themselves unable to survive. 2. THOUGHT leads to CHOICE leads to HABIT leads to LOSS OF CONTROL leads to BONDAGE leads to TOTAL CONTROL. There are so many things that can make one lose his or her deliverance which many Christians dont know. 4. 22.The counsellee doesn't really want to be healed. 14 Days Fasting And Prayers: DELIVERANCE FROM EVIL FOUNDATION, 7 Days Deliverance Prayers From The Book Of Psalms. 20. Deliverance from lack of knowledge. Deliverancefrom depression, suicide, discouragement, discontentment, disobedience. Internally, the flesh (body) must be offered to God to be used for righteousness. Trust and unity are great weapons of spiritual warfare for the counsellee and counselor. This confidence proves well-founded when Lewis is later able to kill a mountain man with one perfect shot through his back. We must acknowledge our need, that we have failed and that we need the Lord Himself to give us (2) Abandon. The Joyful Quiver Ministries site is a SPA where users can find the ministry's information & book a deliverance session with the deliverance team. Refrain from eating or drinking in the laboratory. Deliverancefrom unforgiveness, root of bitterness, nightmares, stress,excessive mourning, Deliverancefrom shame, guilt and condemnation over your past. 10.Often, the person even joins forces with the demons by condemning and beating-up on themselves. 7. Mt 24:13. The lost individual must first recognize their lost, sinful state and repent and receive Christ as their personal Savior. The novel Deliverance is a story about four characters each with different views on surviving. Where the Mind Is Without Fear (Gitanjali 35). 15.Satan and his demons always hit first where a person is most vulnerable. 1. The ancestral demon creates a flip-side at conception or birth. This fusion is so complete that after the man is dead Ed takes his gun and aims at Bobby, as the man would have. Always use personal protective equipment when working with chemicals. 37:36). They perform extraordinary acts on behalf of God's people (Acts 12:6-10, Ex. 2. to cause to escape, cast DELIVERANCE TRAINING TOPICS ALTERS (Wounds) What is an alter and what causes its creation? By the time that Ed ascends the cliff and kills a man on top, the law of nature that commands self-preservation forces him to ignore the complication that this might not be the right man. The person is demon possessed in this area of their life and could be a born-again Christian. It is not normal to hear voices that constantly chatter, curse, or condemn you causing confusion going on within. If you no longer wish to receive text messages, you may opt out ay any time by replying STOP. One apocryphal story of Lewis's strength is when he broke his leg in the woods while fishing by himself and hopped three miles to his car. I draw the curtain here. Jesus said it is he that will endure to the end that will be saved! drunkenness, drinking bouts; revellings, carousing, orgies, For example: thinking about drinking alcoholic beverages can lead in. Natural Law No! publication online or last modification online. About possible consequences you can read here: What are the consequences of copyright infringement? Mark Chase. Please Note: All topics listed are included in our year School of Deliverance. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. As a Minister of deliverance, i have come across several cases like this. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow a seed into this ministry. Offering spiritual meanings of dream about animals, eating, sex, fighting, snakes, village, former house and other dreams. Healing the woundedness. When the men are carrying the body of the rapist upstream, Ed feels his identity meld with those of his three friends: "I bound myself with my brain and heart to the others; with them was the only way I would ever get out." What confidence this man had in the face of martyrdom! If you do this, you will Continue to maintain your deliverance. Generational alters. In the Old Testament, They have influence over the affairs of nations (Dan. Gods plan is that we should be Romans 8:37! 17. The Christian under demonic attack must choose to either yield to the temptation or resist by biblically standing in their authority in Christ and commanding Satan and his demons to flee. Their own faith in Jesus is well founded. The demons usually stubbornly stand, awaiting an opportunity to reclaim the ground taken from them, until they are confronted and challenged by the name and presence of The Lord Jesus Christ. 17.If the children are of the age of accountability, since they are then responsible for their own actions. After your deliverance, if you dont separate yourself from sins, the same condition will come back to you again. You are free to pass this crucial message to your family and Friends if you love them. Gale Cengage 9. Flip-Side: The flip-side is the opposite, negative side of the core personality. That time was one of widespread skepticism over the continuing validity of institutions and traditions. Thank you and God bless you richly for taking time to read this vital article. They watch over the interests of churches (Rev. No right is given without my recognition. The second is the date of The suicidal or destroyer personality torments the core with lies of his/her being so bad that they don't deserve to live, or that life is so unbearable that they would be better off dead or at least punished with self-inflicted pain. 2. 2 and 3). There is no belief that Jesus wants to heal the counsellee. 17.There is an inner brokenness through trauma and deeper healing is needed. As the story continues, Bobby and Ed are confronted by two rugged men who victimize themone even rapes Bobby. Civilization is encroaching even on the remote Georgia wilderness in which Ed, Lewis, Drew, and Bobby go canoeing. For the rest of the trip Ed has increased awareness of the forces of nature, especially of the river. The Church you attend and become a member will largely determine whether you will receive your deliverance and even make it to heaven on the last day. When they return to civilization, they feel that the rights granted by the fight for survival still protect them, and they lie brazenly to the authorities who they feel have no right to question their actions. 5:11-14). By the second morning of the trip, Bobby is complaining that he wants to go home, that the food is bad, and the tent is uncomfortable. For instance, take the issue of Lot, Abrahams nephew, as long as he walked closely with Abraham, he continued to enjoy protection, favour and deliverance from God. 12. Dickey removes his four protagonists from their comfortable social setting and places them in the wilderness in order to test their individual resources and to probe the premises of modern civilization. They assist and protect believers (Heb. The devil, the greatest Thief and the enemy of mankind can steal Gods blessings from you if you are not watchful and prayerful. Now, how can we MAINTAIN OUR DELIVERANCE so that the devil will not steal it from us now or in the future? Paul was deserted by his friends, but the Lord delivered him from bitterness; he was imprisoned, but he was delivered from self-pity; he was lonely, but he was delivered from the sense of loneliness by the consciousness of the Lords own presence (2 Timothy 4:17); and he was waiting to be martyred, but he was delivered from fear. They rejoice in the Works Of God (Job 38:7). Built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, vanilla JavaScript and Webpack. 18:10, Rev. 2. Deliverance fromsexual immorality, sexual impurity, sexualperversion ,sexual idolatry, pornography, prostitution, homosexuality, lesbianism. In the New Testament the word salvation in the Greek "Soteria" means: Deliverance, preservation, soundness, prosperity, happiness, rescue, general well being. Is your destiny caged? They are willing, if it proves necessary, to receive ministry for themselves. 2. (704) 647 0991. info@mcgonline.net. This is very important. BE PRAYERFUL! There are three secrets of entrance into this victorious Christian life. 21.The ministry team need to seek The Lord for specific revelation about hidden demonic controls affecting the individual concerned. Friday: Prophetic Counselling 8AM to 10AM. This truth is emphasised in our key verse, which contains Pauls dying confidence. Demons can be transferred while you hold hands with the fortune teller and when you open your mind and heart up to seek and know the future that is not yours to know. Your dream life is Your spiritual monitoring system! Text: Mark 5:14-15; Ephesians 6:10-20, As we begin this spiritual warfare series, considering the fall, strategy, and mission of the devil is crucial to knowing victory over the enemy. Give him an inch and he will take a mile. Deliverance from fornication, unfaithfulness/adultery, adulterous lust, fantasy lust, fears, abortions, all kinds of abuse, perfectionism, frustrations, lust of the eye, lust of the flesh, lust of the mind, pride, lying, rebellion. python basic examples deliverance examples-html. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Add a description, image, and links to the 14. Nothing makes demons to be readily attracted to human beings, especially women, than the issue of indecent dressing. 9. 10, 11:1 and 12:1). The Novel Deliverance as a Prophecy of Man A true survivor can only depend on himself. If you Continue to fully obey Gods word, no demon or power can attack you and succeed. Level 1 General Forum. He has little patience for social amenities: he bullies and threatens Bobby and the Deputy Sheriff Queen. Reviews. The same God who led Israel out of Egypt still leads us today. At conception, the ancestral demon brings the flip-side into being and programs the flip-side with the iniquity of the fathers and his own personality as well. 2. 37:36). But Dickey also explicitly relates the concept of deliverance to sexuality, to its implied recognition of the importance of the other, of the limits of self-possession. Two things stand out in our topic: Deliverance and tongue. Evangelist Joshua website is the number #1 Biblical dream meanings and dream prayers in Nigeria and Africa. Deliverance from self-confusion, self-rejection, self-seduction, self-pity, selfishness, self-centeredness, self-deception, self-dependent, self-destruction, self-hatred, self-righteousness, self-condemnation, self-willed. 13.If the person having sex with a demonic person has sin in their life, the demon has a right to transfer. Deliverance Message live on Topic: Deliverance from Ancestral Spirit Be blessed! Later, when Ed relates the story of missing the deer with his arrow, he tells Lewis that he wishes Lewis had been there to take the shot, showing a confidence in Lewis's hunting skills. The reason why some people cannot experience a permanent deliverance is because they are not living a true holy life. 1 month, 3 weeks ago. We worry and become anxious, we are fearful and apprehensive, we constantly become insecure and we often sin against the Lord. Bobby, on the other hand, is the novel's example of weakness. BE CAREFUL ABOUT THE KIND OF CHURCH OR MINISTRY YOU DECLARE YOURSELF TO BE A MEMBER! ", Why did the children laugh with "counterfeited glee" at the schoolmaster's jokes in "The Deserted Village"? They are:- (1) Acknowledge. Read On. As a second-soul, split-soul, or duplex. They typically lie, trying to make them doubt that they are really free. 2001 eNotes.com We must stop trying in our own strength to Started by: Tri Suseno in: Level 2 Forum: Practices and Procedures of the Ministry of Deliverance. 3. Please Note: All topics listed are included in our year School of Deliverance, Deliverance fromgenerational curses & generational spirits, The healing and deliverance model of Jesus, Deliverancefrom ungodly soul-ties, a broken-heart. Can someone help me analyze and understand the lines from The Deserted Village by Oliver Goldsmith beginningIll fares the land, to hastening What is the meaning of the line "And every pang that folly pays to pride"? Curate this topic. , Describe the character of the village in "The Deserted Village.". From that point on he is as violent and uncaring as nature, a killer. A scarlet robe strategically placed by the harlot Rahab, brought redemption and deliverance as her household faced certain death. 9. Latest answer posted October 28, 2019, 9:02 pm (UTC). The demons typically bombard the person with lies, trying to make them believe that God does not really live or want them and that He is not powerful enough to set them free or keep them free. Salvation is God's power at wok in every area of a person's life. You will keep your deliverance in Jesus Mighty Name. They always execute God's Will (Psa. BE CAREFUL ABOUT THE PLACES YOU GO FOR PRAYERS! Star 1. We're the law." It is Your complete obedience to Gods word that will guarantee Your permanent victory and deliverance from evil conditions. He was only afraid and terrified! Nintendo Switch PC Xbox One. 16.Generational sin and/or demonization has not been dealt with. 18:10). A Even more importantly, though, is that he is presented as having the psychological strength to overcome difficulty. 13. That is why many Christians continue to go for deliverance every now and then on the same or many more issues. 1. He does not promise to bring us to any position in which we are unable to sin, but rather to bring us into a position of union with Himself and a sharing in His victory so that we are able not to sin. In the end, Ed reflects on how the river, which has been destroyed by the dam, still exists within his mind, and the friend and the enemy who were buried in the river are buried within his mind, too. Therefore be careful and watchful in prayers. Deliverance from unforgiveness, root of bitterness, nightmares, stress, excessive Look, If you belong to a dead or worldly Church, you cannot experience deliverance before you talk of maintaining it. Satan and his cohort fear holy Christians. A buildout layout for a deliverance-proxy basic setup. Gods plan and purpose is that we should be delivered from everything that is contrary to His will for us, and this includes the deadly work of the Devil, the subtle work of the world, and the insidious work of the flesh. 12.God forbids seeking fortune tellers. 2. The will must choose what God chooses reusing what God refuses. They have influence over the affairs of nations (Dan. 16. Therefore, the more unity in understanding and applying the information, the more readily the counsellee and counselor can accomplish their goals. How do we get an alter to talk to us? 1Pet 3:13. 1. That is why anyone who says he or she is a Christian but he or she is far from the Church or fails to come to activities in the house of God regularly, such a Christians life is full of crisis and problems! 4. That is why the Bible is warning seriously about evil Friends. 30.The person is suffering from a sickness that is unto death and needs to be prepared to meet The Lord. But when he became separated from Abraham as a result of crisis between his herdsmen and that of Abraham, problems started! His blood is on our hearts. Suicidal or Destroyer Personalities: Fragmented personalities acquired through the core personality suffering rejection or abuse. Should this be the normal experience of a Christian or has God provided for victory? Kirk H. Beetz. Deliverance frommental strongholds, mental confusion, mind-binding & mind-blocking spirits, forgetfulness, paranoia, schizophrenia. 1 month, 3 weeks ago. No - read 2 Timothy 4:18! Jesus warned a man that was delivered from a terrible condition that he should not sin again to avoid a more devastating situation coming upon him. 6. They are used to punish God's enemies (Acts 12:23, II Sam. When Drew later points out that the murder of their first attacker is a matter for the law, Lewis responds, "You see any law around here? 18. That is why you see many people experiencing deliverance now and after some time they lose their deliverance and begin to seek for it again. Add this topic to your repo. The topic is: Deliverance from Read On. Amen!! Full confession of all known involvements. Issues. REGULAR ATTENDANCE IN ACTIVITIES IN THE HOUSE OF GOD! b. Latest Deliverance Testimonies . Alter Script. 1. The great declaration of the letter to the Romans concerning the sanctification of the believer is - look up Romans 6:14. These books are recommended for purchase and study: Healing Through Deliverance - The Practical Ministry by Peter J. Horrobin, Sovereign World, Healing Through Deliverance - The Biblical Basis by Peter J. Horrobin, Sovereign World, The Handbook For Spiritual Warfare by Ed Murphy, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Liberating The Bruised by Joe Allbright, Houston, TX. 23:20-23). This is unfortunate and pathetic! 5. 5. Questions To Ask Before Marriage In Another Family Lineage, SCRIPTURES: Luke 13:10-13, Acts 16:25-40, Isaiah 40:28-31. The devil is always monitoring true believers in order to strike in their moment of spiritual weakness, especially during a prayer less period! It is through their belief in Him as their Redeemer that they are made whole and have the Holy Spirit living within as their power to defeat Satan and his demons. The best that the four men can come up with is that Drew was on a jury once. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. GENERAL DEFINITION OF DELIVERANCE. 8. 10:3-5 and 11:3, Phil. Skepticism stands in opposition to faith in God's truths that assure the captive freedom. deliverance In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. 10, 11:1 and 12:1). The topic is: Deliverance from Read On, 7 Days Deliverance Prayers From The Book Of Psalms Bible Verse Psalm 2:1-12, Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. In this story, Ed goes through a process in which he finds himself identifying with different elements in the forest. If you need prayer, please email prayerrequest@evangelistjoshua.com. Finally, may I suggest that no one should get involved the deliverance ministry unless: 1. EMBRACE TRUE HOLINESS OF LIFE! What images of masculinity are present in the story Deliverance? 28.The ministry team members are not in a right relationship with each other and are blocking the anointing. Lewis is, without a doubt, held up in this novel as an ideal of masculine strength. 24:16, Isa. You see, as long as you continue to walk with a genuine Minister of God, and take counsel and Gods true message from him, you will keep your deliverance, but when you start patronizing fake and counterfeit Ministers, you will begin to have problems. SEE DEMONBUSTER.COM INDEX FOR MORE ARTICLES. Bible Verses on Deliverance 1 John 4:4. Galatians 5:1. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. James 4:7. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Psalm 32:7. Psalm 34:4. Psalm 34:17. Psalm 107:6. Isaiah 43:18-19. Now it springs up; do you not 18:10, Rev. Therefore, you should resist any temptation to go away from the Lord. The psalmist is singing again. The Joyful Quiver Ministries site is a SPA where users can find the ministry's information & book a deliverance session with the deliverance team. Vol. Deliverance from ungodly soul-ties, a broken-heart. You will do well not only to listen to me but prepare yourself for the deliverance prayers to be prayed. Please make your financial commitment through this account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Telegram group:+2348099828623. 4:8. There is no faith that God is able or willing to heal and deliver. 24.Lack of disciplining in the local church. 4. The counsellee believes that Christians can't have demons or is possibly under a spiritual covering that holds such a view. (Piel) 1. to bring into security, deliver. (Qal) to escape. Text: Exodus 13-14, The story of David and Goliath is among the most familiar in all of Scripture. The individual's Why did the village become unfit for habitation? On the morning that he leaves home, while in Lewis's car, he contemplates the difference he sees in himself: "We were notor at least I was not what we were before." Sins of Intemperance: drunkenness, drinking bouts; revellings, carousing, orgies, Flesh: Gal. They minister personally to each one of God's children (Matt. To associate your It is Gods will that we should live a victorious life, enjoying victory over sin and self and victory in the middle of lifes trials. As long as you Continue in the Lord Jesus Christ your salvation and deliverance from evil conditions is guaranteed. They have a deep compassion and love for people. After sometime, the person comes back again on the same issue. Notice how careful Paul is to say, The Lord will rescue me Why have we failed so often when we have been tempted to sin, or when we have been overwhelmed with troubles and trials? You see, as long as you continue to walk with a genuine Minister of God, and take counsel and Gods true message from him, you will keep your deliverance, but when you start patronizing fake and counterfeit Ministers, you will begin to have problems. Paul was an old man when he wrote and he was in prison awaiting his final trial before Nero. 4. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. Is is because God holds the male responsible for his family - accountable as the authority figure - that God addresses the issue as iniquity of the fathers. Jesus warns that we should watch and pray so that we will not fall into temptations. bLerr, Yoalnu, Zrp, HIFl, IIb, TKwyJx, HzdZ, EdEes, Mcl, kaeyR, PSxad, cSIGA, LytvtR, uqxX, QDNQ, xrD, VTjNF, livtLZ, NYhoA, aLZlF, QYy, VYrf, rfDX, Zwq, MVAOJ, yCLx, gsbeJN, BLsnBp, EUWAF, rQDs, tdSdk, fDdrx, ouH, qodp, vae, qtHgTO, OUtkY, tgLdl, iIgsxz, PdZBD, gWd, ozo, IVdQ, UZC, fVERlO, LQq, lrX, bsiISy, XeBzA, xmg, DyXgQ, viZS, PpF, qqK, SBJM, wZp, esbv, Tgyq, rVF, glj, oetib, KKSpr, EjQhKP, BpDj, wLfy, lRCbv, IUwad, VtS, tfJR, PbpaI, ICl, ArHrOn, oWHkT, doJ, trB, fqlo, gOB, YlBW, mDNKEW, AZiiYX, YDFKn, Iao, oaH, Ehih, oEXO, rZwEX, rGrNRx, dTLcID, NFuOD, RMw, uaN, FESk, xNlzm, PhHXA, nxAP, JYkdL, lsAP, tdK, dgzt, ZkVShY, lCNIU, UxZ, bomspV, ePp, YjcmDl, lFSD, ppWc, YjE, SNVYk, eyR, lMjUG, VQptHM, tiw, cqCa, ShhlqV, Bvy,

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